Monday, June 30, 2008

Things that have been going on!

As many of you know Dustin graduated! Yes, we are sooooo happy that he made it and I think Dustin's even happier than we are! He will work and go to school at Gilbert/Chandler Community College for one semester until and prepare to serve a full-time mission sometime in the spring. We are very proud of Dustin and look forward to what else is in store! He also just recieved his Eagle Scout Award....wahooo, Mom is very happy! By the way, Uncle Mark is looking very Dapper in the background of this picture!


Anonymous said...

haha I noticed my dad in the background. Can't you tell how excited he was for Dustin!?

Tiffany said... first come I didn't know about your blog. Miranda just wrote on mine & then I found it. TISK TISK!!! Congrats to Duster doo! We love him & are so proud of him!